About Words and More (Kids)

This is an effort to encourage creative writing by children (between 7 and 18 years) in a variety of genres: stories, prose, rhyme, poetry, articles, or any other format. We welcome all entries and will provide editorial support and help to all youngsters who wish to express themselves through the written word. Entries, along with pictures (if any) can be e-mailed to Parul Gupta (parulmudita@hotmail.com.)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Loving Mom

A Mothers' Day poem by Arshia Deep

Alone in the darkness;
Cold, scared, lonely;
Something touches me:
I turn around
And see her;
She whispers,
"I love you"!

Arshia Deep is 10 years old. She is a class IV student in USA. She enjoys Mathematics and Science, art and music. She loves nature and animals.

1 comment:

  1. Comment form Kuldip Rai: 'Nice feeling expressed'
